Episode 11 - Re-Vamp Complete. Into the Costumes!
So I've taken a couple weeks to re-vamp my blog, with hopes of making it look more portfolio website like. I'm not sure how long it will last, since I have a couple friends who are willing to sit at a computer with me and teach me to build a website. That should be a laugh and half. But regardless, I wanted to post what I've been working on, my fashion line "Fashion worth Plundering." My artist's statement on the home page talks more about it. I'm so proud of my work, and just seeing the video makes me all giddy.
And after watching the video several times, I have pretty much settled on a decision I want to be a costume designer. For theater and movie and TV. I love period costumes and replicas, and I know that if I woke up every day to the chance to create something from another time, I would enjoy waking up every day. The big turning point was hearing a rumor about a screenplay being written based on a book I'm reading. The book is set in 1878 in London England, and when it described the dresses and men's wear, I can just visualize how the garments move and how they would be made. I want to work for this movie. I'm sure when a director is eventually found, they will want someone with experience in costume design in the industry, but I'm going to give it everything. Even if I just get an internship. I want to do period films. And I wont wait around for the opportunity to arise, I'm going to chase it down.
Episode 10 - Time for a re-vamp
Wow, two entries in one week! I'm impressed with myself already.
Well, since resurrecting my blog and realizing that yet again my style has changed, I thought I would take a look at my business card and blog banner. More specifically, the dress design on the top here. The dress design is my own, that I loaded into a business card maker website and got them to print off for me. I played with the colors very little, and just wanted to get my information out there in the world. Due to my fashion Illustration course, we're looking at business cards and marketing one's self. So I think I'll finally get the chance to create what I want instead of using pre-made templates.
And I guess I'll also be learning (or should I re-learning) to use Illustrator CS6. Wonderful... The first illustrator gave me enough trouble. I think I'll be spending the evening painting my designs and stylizing them in Illustrator. I wonder if I can download another free trial, I don't enjoy being at my school after dark. It's kinda creepy because it's an old building. So where wis I? Oh yeah, changing my "image". I was thinking colors, as my current colors or solf and warm orange and light brown, with a little green. I don't really want to be seen as soft and warm... I don't mind warm, since my elements are earth and fire, but less soft. I'm looking for a bold look, something that says "Hey look at me and what I can do". I know that everyone and their cats wants this too, but whatever. For colors, I'm leaning towards keeping the green, but changing the placement, and adding a deeper brown, and possibly purple and red. Also silver... The design itself might get a little revamp, such as adding a corset, since I love designing corsets. Seems obvious I know.
So I'll update as needed, but here's to a new look for a classy costume designer!
Episode 9- Where the flip have I been??
Well, it's almost been a year since I updated this blog. That's silly. What have I been doing with my life? I've mostly been going to school. I graduated with my Bachelor of Applied Arts in June this year, and am finishing my diploma in fashion design in the 2012-201 year. We've already started planing the huge student run fashion show for next April. It will be an amazing show!
What's been going on in my studio? Lots of costumes... I've worked on a huge full set commission for a Barbarian warrior, complete with "rat-pack", a backpack that is sewn to resemble a totem to a rat. I also did a partial commissions for a cos-player for the Halifax Convention. I did the green cloak for a Drizzt Do'Urden, and let's just say I learn quite a few new ways of doing cloaks thanks to my studio instructors. Also, for Halloween this year, a girl friend and I went as Blood Elves from the World of Warcraft. We didn't have the proper ears, but quite a few people understood what we were. Which only proves that WoW nerds DO come out of their rooms sometimes.
What will I be doing in the near future? My Fashion Show in April 2013! There's five girls in my graduating fashion class, and each of us are doing our own complete lines. As well as planing and marketing the show. As well as doing the curriculum school work... This is going to be a busy year. So I'm very glad now that I've decide to resurect my blog. This should be a good outlet for both rants and experience. Well, until next episode, blessed be.
Episode 8 - Obsessions
In the recent past, a classmate introduced me to the world of Asian style Ball Jointed Dolls. I must admit that I'm smitten with the artistic beauty and the intricate outfits I could create for them. I've already started learning the terminology and designing cloths and jewelry for my future doll. Unfortunately, the hobby is quite expensive and it is difficult to get into. I've started taking extra commissions from friend and collecting all the plastic bottle and aluminum cans I can. My most recent commission is for the horned helmet from Skyrim, made from fleece.
And I've also started making little hats for dolls. With the encouragement of said classmate, I've made a little bunny hat, and plan on making a little fox, wold and possibly dragon. I've done them in full scale, so I'm sure I can work out the patterns. And since I work in a local jewelry store, I've started making simple pieces. Perhaps when I get better at it I'll sell them. The only other thing to do is get a doll to model my creations.
My favorite doll company so far is SOOM, and I will one day own their pretty little fox girl, Breccia. I am soomed by Amber and Beryl, but mostly because of their beautiful hooves and horns/antlers. See what happens when an obsession starts? I'm starting to list dolls sculpts with complete familiarity. But Breccia is the doll for me, and I just have to save up my pennies and wait for her to share my life.
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Breccia by SOOM |
Episode 7 - School is done...Now what?
So now that my semester is over, I'm not sure what I want to do. Should I continue to randomly write my musings in 5 minutes or less? Or perhaps keep the title, but allow leeway in the amount of time and sort of write to my little heart's content? Yes, that seems to me what I'll be doing now, as I know I have several hundred musings every day. I could also use this portion for working out my design elements and ideas.
So my friends my 5 minute writings will be a place where I create new designs and ideas, just for the fun of it. I am not sure as of yet how often I'll use this recourse, but I'll definitely give it my best shot.
The most recent idea I've been ruminating on is what to make next. I've had a few suggestions, like different fleece hats or a costume idea for next year's theater season. I like the fleece hat idea, as I made a secret Santa gift of a Fluttershy hat for a friend last week. It's in my Fleece hats section. I might branch out and make Rainbowdash or Applejack next. I've actually thought about watching the show just learn the background and try to understand the popularity. What I really want to do though, is make a dress. I have not even settled on the final design yet, but it's going to have a lace up back and be floor length.
Episode 6 - Oppositions
Today's topic is "what oppositions did I face when applying for art school?"Well I can remember my Dad always saying I can be whatever I want to be, as long as I go to school for it and stick with it. I grew up in a rather traditional home, and everyone seemed to have the place they fit in. My brother started working with my Dad, and my mom was a stay at home mom taking care of my sister. At the time anyway.
I was in grad ten in high school when I discovered a live theater group and immediately fell in love with costumes. I think my parents thought it was a phase, because I got a lot "that's nice dear"s and "you should focus of school dear"s. After a school transfer just for fashion design curses, I think it started to set in. I remember a couple a petty fights over whether or not I could go to school in New Brunswick for fashion or if I would have to go elsewhere. My family isn't rich, so I could afford to go to a far away school. So I discovered the NBCCD.
My Dad is a building carpenter and contractor. He's worked on the vary building were I attend class and he saw the people that the school houses. He was terrified his little girl would become a "tattooed, pink haired, hippy". Well my hair isn't pink, and I only have one little tattoo, so I don't know why he was so scared. It doesn't sound like much, but that might have been my biggest opposition in becoming an artist.
Christmas Addition!! (5)
Good morning life! Today the topic is Christmas. Christmas anything, and that leavings the door wide open. I could express my excitement for snow, or my hatred of mall xmas music. Maybe I'll do both, since it's snowing outside and there's an xmas song on the radio right now. Don't worry though, there will be other things in there too.I do not like the cold. That said, I am so excited for snow! I know it seems contradictory, but it has to be warm enough for snow to fall in the first place. I may be 22, but I still like building snow forts, throwing snowballs, and catching snowflakes on my tongue. I associate snow with xmas, like most people, and it may not be my favorite time of year it is still pretty fun. I think the most Xmas-y thing I;m excited for is the look on my boyfriend's face when he opens his gift. When we first got together, and I bought my cat to his apartments, my cat still had claws. Vega (kitty) liked to lay on the same chair by the door that Pat (boyfriend) liked to throw his leather coat. See where this is going? Well, Vega ended up scratching the hell out of Pat's coat, and for xmas I got him a new lamb's leather jacket.
I guess I did'nt say much about the xmas music....I hate it! I worked for years in retail and the xmas music would always start the DAY after remembrance day. Not only is that disrespectful, but a lot of people don't wan to think about xmas so soon. It's nuts. Luckily my current boss wont play xmas music until december at the earliest. I can still sulk though.....
The Lost Episode (4)
So since I missed class today, and later found out there was a five minute writing, I thought I'd write something. The few people I spoke to could not really pin point the exact topic, but I think I have an idea for my own. Something that has been rattling around in my mind.World of Warcraft, or otherwise nicknamed World of Warcrack. Maybe a year ago now, my boyfriend and I quite playing WoW. We carried on our lives, playing different games and discovering new things to try. However our roomate had also quite playing, he has a weaker will power. He wanted to play again, and soon the bug spread.
Soon we were all playing again. Again, World of Warcrack became the same long hour consuming game that we all loved and hated at the same time. I quite originally because I was playing my laptop during class lectures while in university and it resulted in me failing credits. This time around I find that I'm playing a lot, but only after I finish school work. It also helps that I don't have that laptop anymore and can only play at home. My boyfriend on the other hand, spend all his time playing, and has been putting off finishing his demo real for months now. I don't think he wants to spend the rest of his life working fast food, and I mention this once in a while. Anymore and he get snippy with me.
So now I'm at the conjunction, and I'll live up to one of the help tips that are shown while in loading screens : "Take all things in moderation, even World of Warcraft"
Episode 3
Guess it's time I finally post this
Halloween addition! Today we are talking about a project we're working on, and mine is my Halloween costume. I'm going out as Harley Quinn, from the new Batman: Arkham City video game. I chose Harley because she has always been one of my favorite DC characters, and this newest costume of her's is very sexy.
First off, she wears a corset! I want to specialize in custom design corsets, so this is a perfect opportunity to try out a truly unique piece. She also has alternating red and black pants, a tank top, and boots. The pants have her signature diamonds on them, in alternating colors (ie red diamonds on the black side and vis versa), but also a neat red/brown leather belt. I'm very close to finishing the pants but the fly is giving me some trouble, and I think it's because zippers and I don't get along. I'm making the pants close to the skin so I don't have any excess to tuck into the boots.
I can't wait for this to be done. I have every intention to post pics of the finish product, but until then, here's a visual of the costume on Harley!
Episode 2 - Gifts
So this is the second episode of 5 minute writtings!
So everyone knows Madonna is crazy, great
performer but still crazy. And celebraties do crazy and stupid things,
just like normal people, but they always blow it up into crazy
proportions. So reacting badly to a gift should not have been blown into
that crzy of a proportion! Everyone receives gift that they either hate
or will never use. And sometime, in order to not hurt their feeling, we
grin and bear it and say thanks you. Then that gift will stay in a
closet somewhere and gather dust.
I can remember when I got the most ugly
sweater I had ever seen for Christmas one year from my grandparents. It
was from northern reflections, and it had cost them $40. They had left
the tags on it. I was in my gothic/emo phase in highschool, and had
specifically asked for a anything black, possibly a lacy dress, or you
know black clothing. But the sweater they got me was bright, obnoxious
red. Not even a pretty rose red, or blood red, but this ugly maroon red
that made me cring.
I decided to be a smart kid and thanks them
any way, but just to be a pain, I pulled the tag off, handed it to
them, and said “next year, you could just give me the $40.”
Epsiode 1- Compound Animals
If I were a compound animal, what would I be?
weird little creature is a mix of a swan and a red fox. No idea how it
came to be, but it is a physical manifestation of the Fashion Designer
Sara Nycole Wilkinson. Sara has always had an affinity to the red fox,
being a vixen herself. And the swan is simply pretty to look at, but
vicious in it’s own nature. As is the fox.
By combining these two beautiful, yet deadly animals, we get a look at the complexities of Sara.
The Fox/Swan shall now be know as Ahri.
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